Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I've become a recluse in the pink constance towers. I'm hiding from the people I know IRL who read my blog and the chance that my parents found my blog (I accidentally emailed them from my gmail account that has my blog name as the 1st part of the address).

So, my other blog/story is that I have/had a baby loss blog. I started it in August 2005... so I've been at this blogging thing for awhile. I haven't been the best blogger though over the past year or so.

My short story (that drove me to blogging) is that my first child (K) died a few hours after she was born in June 2005. She was term, healthy, and had a healthy/uncomplicated pregnancy, but complications in labor lead to an emergency c-section that didn't come soon enough. K was deprived of oxygen and inhaled too much meconium. Learning how to incorporate a dead child, who i never really knew, into my mind/life has been the hardest thing I've ever done. It has changed me as a person. I'm doing better now, in part due to the amount of time that has passed and also due to the healing that finally having a baby ay home has brought. (Or maybe the sleep deprived brain that a new baby also brings)

I have some bigger things to talk about, but I'm currently typing with a baby on one arm... so I will be back.


Anonymous said...

Oh, so sad!

Welcome to the building.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't imagine going through such a terrible loss. I feel for you. Congratulations on your second baby. I hope this baby helps to heal some of the pain.